Fumy tech cyclon vt
Fumy tech cyclon vt

fumy tech cyclon vt

Her father and mother were very young and entirely unprepared for parenthood, according to Case. She was born in Alexandria, Va., in 1970, the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants. And, like the weather that sweeps through her songs, a product of chaos. A suitable lexicon, because despite the appeal to a broader audience in her new lyrics and arrangements, Case remains, in person and in her music, at least for now, to some degree a feral outsider. Meat, wolfing, lionized, cyclones, species, tornadoes, survival. So this increased admixture of playfulness, delicacy and orchestral effects strikes you as the kind of variegation that artists - and species - make in order to survive and thrive. She has often been described as a belter, a force of nature, a kind of vocal tornado. And on her new CD, “Middle Cyclone,” to be released in March by Anti- (a division of the punkish label Epitaph that features all their artists who aren’t punk), Case displays a wide vocal and emotional range only intermittently present on her six previous recordings and in her regular releases with the Canadian power-pop band the New Pornographers. It may not vibrate as much as she would like, but it’s not the angel-sweet sound of Alison Krauss, either - it has real richness and body. And publications like Rolling Stone and Spin and The Stranger, along with a growing cadre of intense, often lovesick fans, have lionized Case’s singing voice as uniquely clear and powerful.

fumy tech cyclon vt

54 on the Billboard chart and ended up selling 200,000 copies. She is to many what she herself would call “the Man!” Her last CD, an often surreal and melodically inventive collection of songs called “Fox Confessor Brings the Flood,” rose to No. But in that universe, Neko Case is near the center. In part because of the inexpensiveness and flexibility of digital technology, the universe of independent singer-songwriters is constantly expanding. She now banged her hand on the table, flounced her bright-red hair, leaned over and said, “I want a tremolo!” Then she looked up and laughed at herself. Case had been talking about singers whose music and voices she admired - Iris DeMent and Roy Orbison prominent among them. With their maple bacon, American cheese and Thousand Island dressing, Samburgers are a cardiothoracic surgeon’s dream. She looked at the Samburger she was wolfing down - Samburgers and Zinburgers being the specialties of a restaurant called Zinburger, in downtown Tucson, where Case lives, for now. “I wish I had a tremolo,” Neko Case said.

Fumy tech cyclon vt